Guitar guide
Preparing to Play |
Preparing to Play
What is this musical instrument called the guitar? Where did it come from? What
types of music can be played on it? What different types of guitars are available,
and what’s the best instrument to buy? Before you even pluck a note, you’re faced
with all of these questions, and more. But don’t worry. We’ll be with you every
step of the way. In this first part of the site, we’ll answer all of these questions—and
others—and then you’ll be ready to play your first notes. - The Guitar: A Noteworthy History
- What Is a Guitar?
- Buying a Guitar
- Strings and Things
© 2007-2025 |
ШАЛАМОВ Варлам Тихонович (1907-82) , русский писатель. Был репрессирован. В документально-философской прозе ("Колымские рассказы", 1979; в СССР в основном опубликованы в 1988-90) и стихах (сборник "Огниво", 1961, "Дорога и судьба", 1967, "Московские облака", 1972) выразил многострадальный опыт сверхчеловеческих испытаний в сталинских лагерях строгого режима. Воспоминания.