Guitar guide
The Ancient Roots of the Guitar |
The Ancient Roots of the Guitar
The guitar has a noble and ancient history. A plucked string instrument with
the in-curving sides of the guitar is to be found on a tomb sculpture of the King
of Thebes of the thirtyseventh century B.C., and a relief sculpture from Cappadocia
of c. 1000 B.C. even shows an Egyptian guitar-like instrument with signs of frets.
Evidence exists also of plucked instruments of extreme antiquity in Persia and Arabia.
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САРКСЯН Ара Мигранович (1902-69) , армянский скульптор, народный художник СССР (1963), действительный член АХ СССР (1958). Портреты ("Е. Чаренц", 1957) и памятники (С. М. Кирову в Кировакане, 1942) отличаются яркостью психологических характеристик, строгим лаконизмом форм.