Guitar guide
Guitar guide     

Fitting an Instrument to You

Fitting an Instrument to You

Besides choosing the type of instrument suited to the kind of music you’d like to play, it’s important that the guitar you choose is one that you are comfortable playing. It’s no good getting a super-deluxe, large-bodied jazz guitar if you are slightly built—no matter how (theoretically) good the instrument might be, you won’t be comfortable playing it.

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АРТЕК , детская климатическая здравница в Крыму, на берегу Черного м., близ Гурзуфа. Основан в 1925. До 1991 всесоюзный пионерский лагерь, с мая 1991 международный детский центр. Объединяет архитектурные комплексы: "Морской", 1960-61, "Прибрежный", 1960-64, "Горный", 1972, архитектор А. Т. Полянский и др.