Guitar guide
Guitar guide     

A First Solo

A First Solo

After practicing the songs it is time to try a solo. The “Andantino” was written by the famous nineteenth-century teacher and composer Ferdinando Carulli, who was a leading figure of the guitar world in Paris at a time when the guitar was in great vogue.

I have included the standard notation to show both the timing and the fingering, since these tend to clutter up the tablature line. The notes are no more difficult than the accompaniments you’ve already practiced, and the piece should provide a pleasant recreation.

As before, the two dots by the double bar indicate a repeat. The first half repeats from the beginning, then the second half repeats back to where the dots and double bar point the other way . FINE marks the end of the piece.

<< ”Waltzing Matilda” (A. B. “Banjo” Patterson) “Andantino” (Ferdinando Carulli) >>
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