Guitar guide
Guitar guide     

”Waltzing Matilda” (A. B. “Banjo” Patterson)

”Waltzing Matilda” (A. B. “Banjo” Patterson)

Additional lyrics:

Down came a jumbuck to drink at that billabong,
Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee,
And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tuckerbag,
You’ll come a waltzing Matilda with me.


Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda,
You’ll come a waltzing Matilda with me,
And he sang as he watched and he waited while his billy boiled,
You’ll come a waltzing Matilda with me.

Up rode the squatter mounted on his thoroughbred,<
Down came the troopers, one, two, three,
Who’s that jolly jumbuck you’ve got in your tuckerbag?<
You’ll come a waltzing Matilda with me.

Up jumped the swagman, sprang into the billabong,
You’ll never catch me alive said he,
And his ghost may be heard as you pass beside that billabong,
You’ll come a waltzing Matilda with me.

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