Guitar guide
Guitar guide     

Further Practice

Further Practice

Once you can do the waltz pattern, try changing the chords from C to G7 and back again. You will find that this is actually easier than playing full chords, because initially you only have one string to find. However, it is good to prepare the complete chord with both hands.

Next you can try an actual piece—the popular folk song “Clementine.” As practiced, the first beat is with the thumb followed by the two chords with the fingers. Notice that the music is divided off by vertical lines known as bar lines. The space between the lines represents the bars into which music is divided. The divisions make it easier to keep track of the rhythm and stress, because there is a slight accent on the first beat of each measure.

If you know the song “Clementine,” try humming or singing along. If not, just play the succession of chords as shown. Where you see the chord name play the thumb, then the two chords.

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