The Bossa Nova
The bossa nova from Brazil has an intriguing mixture of jazz chords and Latin
rhythm. To get the feel of this on the guitar, it is first necessary to learn some
chords before concentrating on the rhythmic structure. Below, for instance, is a
very typical sequence, not too hard to play because of the way that the second,
first, and third fingers progress down the fingerboard. After the first four chords
you can still slide the second and third fingers, adding the fourth finger on the
second string. Then if you lift the second finger you have the final one of the
group, ready to repeat back to the first. Here we go:

When you feel comfortable with the chords, try playing the sequence in this rhythm:

I suggest playing each measure twice at first to focus on the right hand. Giving
the slight extra weight to the upbeat after the third count is what establishes
the correct feel. There is also a languid feel which is best learned by listening
to good players.