The farruca alternates between A minor and E7 harmony, with falsetas separating
the rhythm passages.
Study Notes, Farruca
A. For simplicity, I have shown the chords in blocks. You may wish to practice
the rasgueado first on a single chord, then make the changes. Note that the first
line is played twice.
B. The first four notes of the falseta are slurred. Play the first note with
the thumb, hammer the second note, and pull off the remaining two. It sounds difficult
but it actually does make it easier.
C. All four notes are slurred here. Play the first, hammer the second, and pull
off the remaining two. Try to keep them even as written.
D. Finger the D minor chord 0,2,3,1, instead of the more usual 0,2,4,1. Then
for the chord at the beginning of the next measure simply, add the little finger
on the G and take it off for the following chord.
E. This sign indicates a golpe or tap. If you do not have a plastic tap plate
on your guitar, I suggest using the fleshy side of the thumb for the percussive
sound in order not to damage the face of your guitar.
