Romance Anónimo (Anonymous Romance)
The Anonymous Romance that follows also has stories attached to it, although
no one can say authoratitively where it comes from. It is assumed to be Spanish
because it was widely played there under the name Romance Anónimo, but some Spaniards
believed it came from the Caucasus region. It was used in the film Blood and Sand,
played by Vicente Gomez, and later in the French film Jeux Interdits (Forbidden
Games), in which the performer was Narcisso Yepes. The piece was immediately popular,
and in Europe is still referred to as “Jeux Interdits.”
The Romance is harder to play than the Sor’s Study in B Minor because of some
stretches and extensive barring in the second section. However, there will be some
who will go to almost any lengths to play the piece, so here it is.
Romance Anónimo
